The Regatta organisers have taken appropriate measures to ensure that disabled access is provided for most disabilities in reasonable ground and weather conditions, and that such disabled access is primarily safe and level. This does necessitate utilising different parking areas and access points to ensure level, mainly paved routes.

There is a reserved area for Disabled Parking within the Spectator Zone. Travel & Parking for more information and to book parking tickets.

Spectator Zone

Disabled Access Audit

The Regatta has conducted a Disabled Access Audit and has taken all reasonable measures to ensure that disabled competitors and visitors can access and enjoy the event. However, the following must be emphasised;

  • Henley Women’s Regatta is fundamentally an outdoor event and is subject to the vagaries of the English weather, which can rapidly affect conditions on the water as well as the ground surfaces of the Regatta Enclosures and its environs.
  • Accordingly, all rowing events (for able bodied or adaptive/para athletes alike) may be cancelled or curtailed at short notice dependent upon risk assessment made on the day by Regatta officials.
  • Similarly, access cannot always be guaranteed for disabled visitors if ground conditions deteriorate rapidly.
  • In view of the outdoor nature of the event and specifically its location, where areas surrounding the Enclosures are uneven and most facilities, including the car parks are part of grass farmland, there are natural hills and dips which make the ground uneven, often involving a variety of ground surfaces. The Enclosures themselves are obviously beside the River Thames and are therefore prone to flooding or can become muddy. The organisers cannot put temporary track way everywhere on site particularly if weather conditions deteriorate at short notice.
  • Adaptive/para-rowing competitors are based at the nearby facility at UTRC for practical and safety reasons.
  • The Regatta organisers do not own the land on which the event is held which is in a sensitive location. They have access to the site only for a limited number of days; therefore HWR cannot make permanent or substantive changes to the land or the infrastructure serving it for the limited duration of this event.