Please ensure you keep checking this page to get the latest information.

Please book your car park e-tickets here in advance :  HWR Parking

The timing of racing has been adjusted to suit this but to facilitate practice outings on the days of racing crews will need to find alternative parking.
Details for alternative parking in the town can be found at Travel & Parking
There is no parking available in Remenham Lane, Remenham Church Lane, Remenham village or Aston Lane for those attending HWR at any time.
Compliance with parking requirements is a condition of entry. Any club whose competitors / coaches / supporters fail to adhere to the parking requirements will be excluded from the 2024 regatta and may be excluded from future regattas.

Please see HWR Traffic Management for an explanation as to why we have to operate this arrangement.

Details for practice outings can be found here: Regatta Rules

Entry Rules & Requirements 2024
The following documents are now available for 2024. Changes from 2023 are listed in red.
    Regatta Rules – updated v1.4 9th June section 2 Venue timings as highlighted
    Qualification Rules – updated v1.4 3rd December
    Qualification Grid
    FAQs Registration

International Crews – HWR Entry process for International Crews
    International Crew Entries 

Registration Schedule
Crews register In the Registration tent – check date & times below.
Thursday 20th June
12:00 – 16:00 International Competitors must register with their ID 

14:00 – 17:00 Crews in the following time trials on Friday morning can register
–  Copas Cup for Aspirational Club 8+
–  Colgan Cup for Aspirational Academic 8+
–  Chairman’s Trophy for Aspirational 4x
Other crews can register two hours before their time trial or first race, if no time trial.
Crews must register at least 45 mins before their first time trial or race.
Junior crews racing on Saturday morning can register on Friday afternoon/evening if they wish.

Circulation Pattern
        HWR Training Circulation note: from Monday 17th 06:00
        HWR TT Circulation Competitors
 HWR Regatta
        HWR Para

Competitor Instructions
        Competitor Instructions
        Time Trial Instructions Events Fri – v3 updated 19th June
        Time Trial Instructions Events Sat – v2 updated 19th June

Racing Schedule
       Time Trials Timetable by Event – updated 17th June
        Event Trees
        Friday – Race Timetable
        Saturday – Race Timetable
        Sunday – Race Timetable