We want your racing experience at HWR to be the very best.

Our competitor facilities are designed to ensure that crews have everything they need and a a good experience when competing at HWR:

  • enough pontoons so competitors should not have to stand for more than five minutes with a boat on their shoulders waiting to boat. Crews are able to easily step off the bank and put their boat straight in the water without damage and have a successful boating experience when they set off as well as when they return after racing.
  • sufficient racks so the majority of crews can put their boat on a rack, tie it on safely and leave it overnight ready for racing. There is also space around the racks for crews to sit, have briefings with their coaches and prepare before going out to race
  • other athelete services. Physiotherapy and Massage, ergos to warm up, lots of toilets, and a variety of catering options.
  • the HWR shop in the Spectator Zone where official clothing and other souveniers are available Don’t miss out—stock is limited!

Training prior to the regatta

We endeavour to make boating rafts and boat racks available from Wednesday morning. Crews arriving before this time should make arrangements with one of the local clubs to boat from that club. Some clubs do charge for this. For boating availability, see the Upper Thames website or email the Henley Rowing Club secretary at thesecretary@henleyrowingclub.org.

Please make sure you have trestles with you to take boats to the trailer park in case the stages are not available. Boats should only be placed on racks designated for each boat type.Racks are strictly on a first come – first served basis.

Please note no safety cover is operational on the river until the regatta commences on Friday.

Crews are advised to move boats to the regatta enclosure after 09:00 Wednesday 30th June as all crews are required to boat from the regatta enclosure during racing.

Car and trailer parking in 2021 is accessed by Gate A and is in the Spectator Zone. You will need to carry your boats from the trailer park to the Competitor Zone. Don’t forget to book your free towing vehicle pass and car parking.

Book car parking and trailer pass

Changes to the race schedule

We apologise, but the race schedule on Saturday precludes the committee from moving rounds of any events from Friday to Saturday. We are prepared however, to consider scheduling side-by-side races (not time trials) at a later time on the Friday. Please contact the entries secretary on entries@hwr.or.uk BEFORE the draw takes place. We cannot change race times after the draw has been published.

If a junior is entered in a non-junior event, in particular Development or Aspirational, then they must be prepared to race on Friday, as it is very likely that rounds of these events will be held that day. In fairness to your opposition, we are not able to reschedule a Friday race to Saturday to accommodate this.

Live regatta broadcast

All crews are advised that during racing, the event may be filmed using an overhead unmanned aerial vehicle with camera (drone). Crews are thereby assumed to consent to being filmed and for the operation of a drone in their proximity whilst racing.